Sandrine- 35 years
I have been so lucky to have taken a regression hypnosis with Sandrine, in February 2019. This incredible experience is still one of the most important, rewarding and significant I have lived in my life. Sandrine has been able to take the time that was necessary and managed to over come some obstacles in order to make me live that amazing journey into one those hypnosis session. She followed my itinerary by my side perfectly. Sandrine is a true professional who gave me the chance to go exactly where I wanted to go and where I needed to go for my own sake.
Being myself an hypnotherapist (but for that specific work I could not auto-hypnotist myself), a professional in that domain, I hardly recommend Sandrine to follow you, be with you in this absolutly fabulous experience. Her capacity to listen, to feel, to share and to understand have surely contributed to make this moment unique. I wish to everyone to experience one of those hypnosis at least once in their life.
Francis- 19 years
The experience of "Life between lifes" is just a beautiful journey that I hardly recommend to everyone. We do understand so many things about ourselves, about the World and about the Universe... WE clearly see things differently after that experience! This is a one time exploration in your own life, so rich in information.
Louise- 25 years
I had no idea what to expect when I started my EMDR journey with Sandrine. All I can say is that it allowed me to free myself from things I never thought possible. Sandrine is a beautiful soul who guided me on this journey of self-discovery and freedom. I can not recommend this enough, for anyone, at any age, the results are incredible.
Alexander- 46 years
I have had yesterday a past life regression to get rid to that compulsive behaviour of mine which is buying not one sample but five six seven ten of them. The items could be chocolate bars or shirts, cleaning products, the list is infinite… I was amazed by the experience of going into a past life. It was so real. So clear. All my senses were recording the adventure. I visited the XV century. I was a merchant buying and selling goods from the New World and Asia. During this hypnosis, I did understand were that behaviour was coming from. Thank you Sandrine for your guidance throughout this incredible journey.
Marie- 39 years
In Februar,y I joined the Arthypnotic atelier curious to discover what it was. The name and the content of the day attracted me. I had no doubt about signing in as I know already her professionalism and talent with hypnosis and crystal healing. With Arthypnotic it was above my expectations. We started with a meditation which includes a healing crystal. We all have an intention for to work on, which guides us along all the different activities. I discover finger paint which I totally loved, I felt going back into my childhood. Pure joy came out of this activity for all the participants. The different medium Sandrine gave us the chance to experiment are wide and interesting. Sandrine makes her on acrylic paint with magnificent choice of colours. The activities are well targeted.
In the afternoon, we have a deep and entire hypnotic journey, afterwards we have the chance to express by different techniques our hypnotic experience which gives us answers to carry on our path. Sandrine makes us feel so welcomed, with tea all along the day and her caring guidance as well. I loved it.
Claudia- 56 years
My intention with the hypnosis was to be able to let go my mental and my fears to communicate with my guides. It was my first "real" hypnosis and Sandrine make me put to ease straight away, trusting her. She helped me to explore my visions and my perceptions. I discovered the cause that blocked me to let go and also which emotions were avoiding me to get in contact with my guides. I saw two guides, which were man and woman at the same time, like twins. The most important is that I made peace with them. It gaves me more serenity, trust, strength and confidence in the next days. It was "magic" to feel this way and brought me some happiness as well. I felt in the perfect vibes for the workshop I organised at Glastonbury the following days. I stayed focused, grounded and connected. Back from my trip, I discover the drawing of the reflection of my soul. A picture with warm colours, presence et a great force coming out of it, integrating polarities. Thank you Sandrine.
Andrew- 6 years
We took our son, six years old, for a couple of sessions with Sandrine to begin. And we were thrilled with the results after those sessions. Andrewseems so much happier within himself and more importantly, bedtimes have certainly improved! If only we had tried this path first of all! Sandrine is a professional, warm and friendly specialist. A friend did recommend her to us, we find ourself so lucky to have encounter her. So do not hesitate. We just wish we had discovered her earlier. We cannot thank you enough.
Daniel- 47 years
It was my first time to be hypnotist. Sandrine had been hardly recommended to me for her professionalism, even though I was squeptical about the result of hypnosis. I didn't imagine that with one session I would get rid of that issue I had forever lived with. I managed to heal from my abandonment trigger that always have been a problem for me... Thank you Sandrine
Nathalie-35 years
What could I say? A Huge thank you. This was my first experience with crystal healing… it was wonderful and very rewarding… all along the session I could feel my sciatica pain fading away… but what was really amazing were my emotional and psychological feelings…an inner sensation whispered to me like “let go”… it seemed so natural and easy… I am feel like floating now, I feel so good… again a big thank you for this experience that I will repeat in a couple of weeks… Gratitude
Arthur- 10 years
My son has been bullied in school and started to show physical signs of stress disorder. We consulted various expert but Arthur’s behaviour was not really improving. The situation in school aggravated and the teachers unfortunately pushed him in the back of the classroom, his results and emotions deteriorated leaving us with little hope to help him. We met Sandrine through a friend, and she straight away established a positive contact with our son. His session was a mix of hypnosis, EMDR and talk-play therapy. Our boy was going willingly to those sessions and we noticed Arthur becoming more relaxed and confident. Sandrine knows how to communicate with children. Her experience give the kids a safe place to be and to overcome a wide variety of issues. Arthur still talks about you :-)
Laure-Marie- 38 years
My last session with Sandrine has been pretty incredible. I went to this session thinking working on one the fifth wounds without knowing exactly which one. Sandrine knew how to guide me in order to work the one needed at the time. Thanks to her, I had a hypnosis in which I communicated with my grandparents which have both passed away. From this session I had the chance to have a soul retrieval. I felt the change straight away. Since I feel lighter at every level. I realised the impact that wound had on me and the fact that I was not conscious of it, Sandrine knew where to go. I share my experience with you because Sandrine brings a lot on my self growth and personal journey and you might be interested starting a work with her as well. I never expected to life all these inner adventures. I thank you Sandrine for your talent, your patience, your respect, your understanding, your empathy and your caring. All of this with an amazing intuitive insight.
Laurence- 35 years
What motivate me first to try hypnosis was to reboot the experience I had at the arrival of my first born. It was to overcome what went wrong during that magical moment when we give birth. The hypnosis sessions really helped me for this, and if I will have a third child I would love to come to control the pain under hypnosis. Thank you!
Peter- 41 years
My LBL (Life Between Lives) enable me to understand why I picked my parents and my family, as well as my body. It all made sense to me according with my Soul’s Journey, with what I experienced in my past lives. I always have been hard on myself, according me no softness and leisure time. I couldn’t trust anyone at work, controlling everything behind everyone’s back. By meeting my Soul Group, I had answers of why I acted that way since I was a kid. I experienced something unique with the LBL, something which brought me peace and comfort in all of me. I also met my guides and discover my mission of life. I can only recommend everyone to have this outstanding journey. Thank you.
Aline- 36 years
I really would like to say a huge thank you for this amazing hypnosis and the beautiful drawing of my soul. It is unbelievable the talent you have with the drawing of souls, as the drawing you made of mine is exactly what I saw during the hypnosis... Ik keep those images in my mind and think of them when I have negative thoughts. It was an extraordinary experience which gave me the courage and the will to take care of myself and that beautiful inner light that is just there within me and that I rediscover thanks to you. It is up to me now to keep working on myself to make it shine even better. In a way I am in a hurry to redo this experience, in a few months, in order to see the evolution on the drawing of my soul that you will realise...
Thank you so much, and most of all thank you for meeting you, and for giving me the chance to meet myself.
Noémie- 40 years
It was, a magical day, a perfect day to refocus and concentrate on myself. It was an amazing experience that enable me to see my soul through the day in my artworks. I love it and I will come with my son to these Hypnotic Atelier. Sandrine brings us to the point that we can let go naturally. She also knows how to unlock our emotions and thoughts. I was pretty sceptical about the fact I would led myself be hypnotised… and indeed it was just incredible. Thank you, Sandrine, for this nice journey, allowing me to feel again my emotions and to be able to let go on some specific matters… I will come back…
Lisa- 9 years
Hello, few words to thank you Sandrine for the amazing work you do with children. We took our 9 year old daughter to you. Now she is no longer afraid of the dark at nights or darker places, or spirits, or clowns; all of which had been causing her anxiety. A huge transformation, even after just one session. It is wonderful to see her happy and confident again, free from all the anxiety and worry. She enjoyed both sessions with you, and we would definitely recommend you to other parents who are seeking help for children with fears or anxiety.
Lou- 39 years
Since m y first session with Sandrine, I have worked different aspects of my life. One day, I was really down, upset with very dark thoughts and couldn’t stop crying. I could not recognise myself with such attitudes. Thanks to Sandrine’s experienced she knew how to start the session and helped me to release myself of an entity. Writing these words, this sounds completely crazy, but that is what happened to me. Sandrine helped me to free myself for good of that soul who was hanging on to me for weeks. Hypnosis can be pretty amazing.
Bernadette & Jean -75 years
A day to work on a specific intention. Complementary approaches. Always leaded with empathy and kindness. Experiencing this type of therapy in couple gives sometimes a new vision on the matters. Arttherapy permits to develop the expression of feelings and emotions on another level. It digs out hidden thoughts that words can’t reach at times. Hypnosis reveals who we truly are. Guided by Sandrine I have been able to connect with wonderful ancestors. Discoveries. Discovering. Words are not enough to describe this one day journey.
Bernadette & Jean
Karine- 42 years
My first crystal healing through distance. What can I say: It did some deep releases that will help me to move on. I received a guidance on a path that I always knew was there, but now I know how to develop it further.
If you do hesitate and you are reading my words, you are already half way there. Go, book a session. Sandrine is the person you need.
Again thank you so much Sandrine :-)
Ethan- 7 years
I met Sandrine through Children’s Art Ateliers. I remembered that the first time I came to collect my son, the children were finishing they artwork listening to classical. It was a real zen, calm atmosphere and happy at the same time. Ethan, my son says about Sandrine: She is cool, kind and I love her ateliers. What he enjoyed the most was painting with INK. If he says so, it is because he has explored a large variety of techniques with her. What is truly amazing with Sandrine is the Journey that the children go through with her. The result is only the cherry on the cake. I love the fact my son has the chance to discover beauty and creation. School are so poor and so little into creativity. Sandrine real kindness and PASSION reinforce his own. These sessions are true gifts, much more than Art Atelier, it is a moment given to children to grow.
Elisa- 61 years
It is an open-door, something in the air that brings us to questioning ourselves on different aspects of our lives. A laugh, a welcoming, a true listening and caring session. They are exchanges, possibilities. It is also a journey through our inner self. It is surely an experience to DO. I had the chance to have several sessions of this amazing therapy, which mixes Hypnosis and Art. Each time something new about myself is revealed as well as unexpected and surprising.
Jo- 45 years
Sandrine is very gentle, skilled, she has been able to established what I went through and my situation right now… I do recommend her with no hesitation… thank you so much.

Sandrine Limbourg
Tel: +.32.477.211.063